My Must Haves for Staying Sane

For as much as I absolutely love brain and mental health, I have yet to write a post about my must-have supplements foods for maintaining optimal sanity and zen.
I hope you find these tips are accessible, affordable and most of all, helpful! 

[Next post: Rituals + lifestyle for optimal sanity and zen. Stay tuned! ]

I Have a Great Life, and I'm Depressed

Tonight, I laid shaking in my bed, alternating between panicked sobbing and numb stoicism.   I am riddled with a peculiar form of anxiety in which the fact that my life is currently wonderful gnaws guiltily in the pit of my stomach. 

Sometimes Being a Woman Sucks. Period.

Women become more and more badass in my eyes with every story I'm told - the countless women I know that suffer from painful menstrual cramps, endometriosis, ovarian cysts/fibroids, breast soreness, migraines and countless other afflictions EVERY MONTH! Damn. Listen, I love being a woman but having an unwanted subscription to Lucifer's Waterfall of Torture doesn't make the list. I just suffered the most painful cycle I have ever had (I took an Oxycodone while balled up in the fetal position crying one night to fall asleep, let's put it that way) and after having numerous women divulge to me that they suffer so much, I think it's time we talk about it! Ain't no shame in the period game. It's not gross, it's not embarrassing and something we're never told - it really shouldn't hurt that much.

Sugar's the New Cocaine

It's no secret that I used to eat like an unsupervised child at a birthday party. And there are days still, with all my nutrition education and all my beliefs regarding health, that I still crush a king sized chocolate bar. Sometimes, it makes me feel a bit fraudulent. And then I remember I've never advertised myself as the puritan nutritionist who considers even a quarter of a square of 99% dark chocolate to be a sinful indulgence. When I was in school, we were taught to be scared of sugar; fear mongering and demonization on every textbook page. However, I was reading Layne Norton's studies and research on sugar at the same time, which luckily kept me level-headed! But, let's start from the beginning ...