Now that you've read the supplements + foods I love for brain health,
let's talk about the lifestyle habits that keep me sane (mostly.)
Podcasts + Motivational Speakers: I literally do not go a day without one of these two! I find that when I'm uninspired, overwhelmed, in a rut or just flat out sad, there is always some iTunes download or YouTube video to uplift me by discussing something relevant to my situation. And if not, at least it can distract me! Sometimes, when you're bummed, listening to really moving, deep talks can just add fuel to the fire. Choose a light hearted podcast or watch something silly on Netflix (I won't tell). My favourites? Tim Ferris, Lewis Howes, Joe Rogan and anything featuring Jason Silva. TedTalks and Abraham Hicks seminars are also amazing!
Exercise: It's important to find your "thing" because if you're feeling bummed, sometimes the thought of dragging your ass to the gym will only intensify the bummer. Try a pole dancing class or go to spin with a friend! My favourites include spinning at Stax because the instructors swear + play badass music; a soul crushing WOD at Reebok CrossFit Ramsay, or au contraire, a relaxing hot class at Karma Yoga. In warmer months, I also love running the "Memorial Stairs" which I think is actually called McHugh Bluff Park.
Eating Soul Food: Ain't no shame in my game! Some days, nothing will make you as happy as a donut. Don't let anyone tell you differently. In part one of this post, I emphasized the importance of eating brain nourishing foods, but c'mon, #treatyoself. And at least indulge in some eye candy. Pretty Sweet makes out of this world treats, and Cookie Dough by Family Freezed is guaranteed to turn that frown upside down.
Being Grateful: Sometimes, it's just about putting things in perspective. Chances are if you're reading this, you're reading it on an iPhone or laptop, in the comfort of your beautiful home. We are pretty damn lucky, even when we feel like our world is caving in. Step back and show reverence for the miracle that is you simply existing. The chances were something like one in a trillion? Or however many little eggs and sperm your parents have times some weird math equation. Either way, you're a fucking phenomenon! Just think of a few things. My favourites include "Dogs exist", "My boyfriend is the best", "My family couldn't be more amazing", "I have two eyes to see puppies and two hands to give them pats" and well, the list goes on and on. You'll see the snowball effect happen and realize that there's tons to smile about.
Meditation: And if you can't do it alone (like me) there's guided meditations you can download, you can listen to Binaural Beats and be induced into a meditative state or you can go somewhere like Modern + Mindful, where they guide you through it on adorable comfy cushions. You can also hop into a float tank and I guarantee you'll find some zen; check out ClearFloat Spa, FloatLife and surprisingly, a ton more in YYC! Yoga, especially yin classes, offer a profound meditative effect as well! I have also found some unintentional meditative states while cooking, reading, giving myself a pedicure or doing anything I enjoy -- active meditation is just as beneficial!
Spending Time with the Right People: You see it everywhere, "detox your life of negative people" blah blah blah but damn it, it's true. I cultivated so many friendships + relationships that required me to work so hard to see them, or bend over backwards and walk on eggshells to keep them. I was always proving myself, always left our interactions feeling drained and always felt taken advantage of. Let me tell you, ain't nobody got time for that. Give your time to people that reciprocate, it's that easy. You will never have to prove your worth to someone who genuinely loves you; that's the point of unconditionality. And as soon as I started feeling worthy, things shifted, people dropped off and genuine, high vibrational, loving people took their place!
My Skincare Routine: Bbbbbut but but, isn't this vain? NO. Self-care is a necessity, and as my darling friend Kelsey Schiavon has taught me, it is a demonstration of self-love to take time to establish rituals such as nightly skincare routines. I use high quality, natural products because some of the conventional brands we know and love are packed full of neurotoxins and hormone disruptors (yikes!) Taking time to pamper your skin is relaxing and gratifying. It makes you feel beautiful, prioritized, radiant + healthy and it's a great reminder that you're worth the time + effort! I typically remove my makeup with jojoba oil and cleanse with a charcoal soap. I then moisturize with rosehip oil + once a week, I throw in an exfoliant and a divine chocolate mask from Josh Rosebrook!
Let's connect! Comment, or Instagram message me your favourite rituals š
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